National Book Blogging Month (NaBoBloMo) is more than half over. At this point, you might feel the lag that happens mid-way through a project. Doubt sets in. Writing gets harder. You get bored, lose focus and wonder if you’ll finish. Also, if your blogged-book project hasn’t generated as much readership or engagement as you hoped, you may wonder why you bothered to blog a book in a month.
Stop it.
Many good reasons exist for you to start—and to finish—your blogged book. On this blog I’ve offered 10 good reasons to blog a book. Here’s another reason, which probably is the most important one: It’s your turn.
That’s right. It’s your turn to share your message, to be read, to make a difference, to publish your book, to become an expert, to do your dream.
I recently read Seth Godin’s newest book, What to Do When It’s Your Turn (and it’s always your turn). Every page encouraged me to get off my butt and do the things I knew I was meant to do both personally and professionally in this lifetime—to take my turn. To grab the opportunity and run with it!
I literally felt pushed to fulfill my purpose. I’d like you to feel that way. (Read his book!)
Godin is right: The time to take your turn is now…always…every moment. (Do you know if you’ll have the opportunity tomorrow, the next day, next week, or next month?) That’s why you need to finish your blogged book before NaBoBloMo ends.
How to Take Your Turn
As a blogger and a writer, you can take your turn easily. Don’t wait for permission to write what’s in your heart or on your mind. Start blogging your book today, this moment (if you didn’t start April 1 or at some earlier date). Write your book post by post, and publish it. No need to get your book formatted and uploaded to Kindle—or for Amazon to give you the green flag to sell that book. Start “selling” it from your blog the moment you start writing it.
There’s no waiting if you take your turn as a blogger. You can ship your book today…day by day. Sell your course today…session by session; register your readers and send them content via a page on your site or your email autoresponder system. It’s that fast. It’s that easy.
Will You Take Your Turn?
It’s up to you. Only you. No one else can take you turn for you.
If you started the NaBoBloMo challenge, don’t stop because you don’t have enough readers or people commenting on your posts. Maybe it’s not their turn, or their time, to read your message. But it is your time to share it.
Keep writing. Keep blogging. Just like in The Field of Dreams, when you take your turn, “they (readers) will come.”
Continue writing even if you think you don’t have enough to say. Just say what you set out to say. It will be enough. And don’t allow yourself to believe that no one wants to read what you write. Write it, and someone will read it.
Decide that now is the right time…or that you have enough time. Now is the only time that exists. The past and the future are figments of your imagination.
You have eight more days to finish your blogged book as part of the NaBoBloMo challenge. It’s your turn…to finish what you started.
And then it will be your turn to start a new blog post or a new blogged book—to continue sharing your message with the world.
Will you take your turn? Leave me a comment that includes your commitment to do so.
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