As bloggers, we have a tendency to create grand and elaborate goals that rely on heavy productivity. But when it comes time to buckle down and get the work done, we realize we’ve got a million other things going on in our lives. Our writing goals get pushed to the side as other responsibilities interfere.
Then again, maybe you have all the time in the world to write posts for your blog, guest posts for other bloggers, and nonfiction books. Yet, you’ve developed some nasty “anti-productivity” habits that make it nearly impossible to produce high-quality content at a level that lets you achieve your writing goals.
It takes time to discover your weak points. And then it takes more time to break those negative habits so you become a more productive blogger and writer.
With that said, let’s take a look at two insidious anti-productivity habits that could ruin your writing and blogging career if left unchecked.
Insidious Anti-Productivity Habit #1: No Productivity Tracking System in Place
As a writer, you’re going to have certain points during the day where you’ll be incredibly productive. And at other times, your writing and blogging productivity will be sorely lacking.
But how will you know your best and worst times to write if you aren’t tracking your productivity throughout the day?
Let’s say you have 24 hours to finish a guest post for a popular blog in your niche. If you do not get this post done on time, you will miss an amazing opportunity and potentially burn a bridge with the blogger. If you get the post done on time, the guest post eventually could lead to greater opportunities.
Instead of going at the blog post half-cocked while praying for the best, you can use online time-tracking software, like Clockspot, to figure out when you’re most productive during the day and when you’re least productive.
By tracking your productivity, you’ll discover certain points during your day when distractions are unavoidable or hard to ignore. You’ll also notice those slivers of time during the day when you can sit down and write in peace without anybody attempting to steal your time and with greater focus.
Use this information for your next guest post opportunity when another major industry blogger asks you to write on another topic. And you’ll be ready to handle this challenge because you’ll be a lot better prepared than you were this time around. You’ll know when to write for the best productivity possible.
Insidious Anti-Productivity Habit #2: You Get Distracted Too Easily
Many of us, unfortunately, waste too much time dealing with distraction after distraction instead of buckling down and getting our writing done. We let social media notifications distract us all day long, for example, and, before we know it, we’ve spent hours scrolling our Facebook and Twitter feeds.
If you want to become a pro blogger and a successful nonfiction writer, you’ll need to break this habit…and soon.
If you have to, use apps to block access to websites that distract you the most. Or, if that’s not enough, block out the Internet entirely. (That’s right…turn it off.)
Once you get in the habit of avoiding websites that suck up your time, your writing productivity will begin to soar.
And before long, your daily word count will begin to rise, you’ll love that you’re getting so much work done, and your new habit will spiral in a positive direction. You’ll write more each day, week, month, and year.
Don’t Kill Your Blogging Career
Do not let insidious anti-productivity habits kill your blogging career. Instead, focus on new habits that help you become more productive.
You’re an awesome writer and blogger and have valuable personal insights to share with the world. So quit wasting your time and finding ways to avoid productivity. Instead, break your negative habits and churn out work for your readers.
About the Author
Wendy Dessler is a super-connector with and who helps businesses find their audience online through outreach, partnerships, and networking. She frequently writes about the latest advancements in digital marketing and focuses her efforts on developing customized blogger outreach plans depending on the industry and competition.
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So very hopeful and inspiring!