I’m so pleased to announce that I’ll be teaching a Blog Your Way to a Book Deal teleseminar for the National Association of Independent Writers and Editors next week. I’m thrilled to be associated with this organization as their blog-to-book expert. I haven’t taught this class for a few months now, so this is a great chance for you to do two things:
1. Join this phenomenal organization.
2. Learn the quickest and easiest way to write your book and promote it at the same time.
You do have to be a member to take the class, but I don’t think you’ll be disappointed if you join. NAIWE offers tons of resources.
Here are the details:
NAIWE Members, you’re invited to join me for a member teleclass at 3:30 pm EST on Wednesday August 15, 2012.
Some say the blog-to-book craze reached its height back in 2009, but more bloggers are landing deals and having their books released per month currently than at that time. Agents and acquisition editors continue to troll the Internet looking for blogs to turn into books because they want to find books as close to a “sure thing” as possible. A blog with an established readership and a blogger with a built-in fan base or platform represents a successfully test marketed book idea.
Rather than just blogging and then repurposing your posts into a book, or booking your blog, learn how to write, publish, and promote a book on the Internet using blog technology. Blogging a book is the easiest and quickest way to write a book and promote it at the same time. If you can write, you can blog. That means you can blog your way to creating a successful book—one that attracts readers and publishers. You can produce a manuscript, and promote and publish your work one post at a time in cyberspace. If you attract enough readers, you may also get “discovered” by an agent or publisher.
Learn how you can blog your way to a book deal or to create a blog that attracts readers, agents and publishers. This class also will touch on how to book a blog and why a successful blog ensures a successful self-published book.
This session will outline how writers who blog or blog a book:
- publish as they write
- build author platform while they write
- get noticed by agents and acquisition editors
Session takeaways:
- Why all aspiring authors should blog
- What to blog about
- 10 reasons to blog a book
- The pros and cons of blogging vs. blogging a book
- 6 things you need to do before you blog a book
- 3 things you need for your blog to get discovered
- The elements a blog needs if it is to become a book
Members will find call-in information for the classes in the member area of the NAIWE.com website. You’ll find it by logging in on any page of the site, then going to the Library link, then to the Expert Teleclasses link. NAIWE teleclasses are totally free for members ($27 each for non-members).
If you aren’t a member yet, consider joining the National Association of Independent Writers and Editors, the professional organization with a career-building difference!
Join before this teleseminar on the 15th and attend for free!
Nina: More useful information here. I had no idea this phenomenon of blogging a book reached its peak in 2009. That is amazing! I may not be able to join this organization right now, but I look forward to joining down the road. Best of luck with this class.
I don’t think it peaked then…industry experts think it did.
I would love to join Nina! I even went to the link and read through it all! Having a toddler just doesn’t give me lots of extra opportunities all at once…I do get them…don’t get me wrong just not usually that big of one all at once…sigh…..maybe I will be able to go to just the seminar….