There’s no getting around it: the blogging world is social. Comments, networking, social media shares, introspective journeys—none of it matters unless there are other people on the end of the computer screen willing to engage with us. And the same is true for publishing and authorship; you must reach out to potential readers and encourage their engagement.
For introverts, the networking aspects of successful blogging (and authorship) can seem tedious and challenging. But it isn’t that difficult to network with other bloggers, even if you’re an introvert. Here are a few tips that might help make networking easier.
Tip #1: Realize that Introversion Isn’t Always Bad
In this clip from the 1982 film Gandhi—“Room For Us All“—we see that courage doesn’t always have to be of the extroverted variety. When Gandhi encounters racism on the street, he doesn’t bloviate or rage—instead, he simply stands his ground, keeping true to his style and his principles in a quiet, steadfast manner.
Introversion is defined as being at your best and most energetic when alone. Is that such a bad thing? No.
If anything, it’s a strength for many bloggers, especially since the majority of your work will be done alone at the writing end of a keyboard. There’s no reason you can’t be strong, energetic, principled—just as Gandhi was—while also being reserved. Sometimes, it’s for the best.
Tip #2: Become a Better Networker Through Listening
You don’t have to be a chatterbox to network effectively with other people. Listening can be just as powerful a tool—and it doesn’t require that you be particularly extroverted.
Tips for listening over at the Positivity Blog demonstrate just how powerful your ears can be. Not only does being a good listener help build your relationships with other people, but it also helps you gain the insights you should be seeking through conversation in the first place. Putting listening first means you’re putting other people first, which means you’re learning how to network effectively. It’s not all about what you can bring to the table—it’s also about them and what they have to say.
Listening also helps you build insights that could turn into fodder for additional blog posts—or even your next book. But make sure you have another blogger’s permission before you share any intimate stories!
Tip #3: Start Small
The Internet is both ally and enemy for introverted people. It’s an ally because it allows you to network from the comfort of your own home. It’s an enemy because it…allows you to network from the comfort of your own home.
But there’s no reason you can’t emphasize the positive. Start small by engaging with other bloggers and your readers on social media. Ask them for insights. Post polls. Ask for their stories. Reach out to other bloggers via email—then a phone call.
You never know where you will forge your next significant connections, so use the Internet as a shield as you continually drop breadcrumbs in the world of networking. You never know when another bird is going to fly up to your perch.
Networking as an introverted blogger doesn’t have to be a life-defining challenge. The more you engage with people online, the more you’ll find that people aren’t so scary or energy draining after all. Start small, learn to listen, and realize that introversion is no sin. You’ll end up discovering that there are more people out there like you than you ever imagined. You’ll also find that networking is neither tedious or challenging. Indeed, it can be fun and fulfilling.
If you are an introverted blogger, how do you handle online networking?
About the Author
Dan Kenitz is a freelance writer and ghostwriter from Wisconsin who helps individuals and companies build their brands through valuable content.
Image copyright: yupiramos / 123RF Stock Photo
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