Another way to publicize your blogged book or blog involves commenting on other bloggers’ posts. You know how you love it when readers leave comments on your blog posts, now it’s time to do the same.
Go out and read other blogs that have related content. These are the blogs you identified as complementary or competing blogs. If you found books that were competing or complementary books, see if the authors of those books also have blogs. Read their posts on a consistent basis and leave comments.
Do not spam these bloggers, however. By this I mean, don’t simply leave links to your blog in the comment box. Actually say something worthwhile. Leave useful information. Tell the blogger what great information they have provided, and then piggy back on their information with superb information of your own. The link to your blogged book will appear automatically if you opt to have your name linked back to your blogged book.
Don’t ever opt for an anonymous comment. Always opt to have your website or blog address used in conjunction with your name. Then when your name appears with your comment, readers can click on your name and be taken directly to your blog.
Not only do all these links increase traffic to your blog, they also increase your Google ranking. The more often you leave comments, the more chances you have of getting blog readers from other popular blogs to come check out what you are writing and the higher up your SERPs.
I know reading other blogs and commenting can be time consuming. One way to handle this in a time-effective manner involves using Google Alerts. You can also subscribe to the blogs you find most relevant to your subject.
I found this website while searching for something else on the internet and i must say it is a brilliant find as I have been thinking of blogging my book for a while now but wasn’t quite sure how to go about it. I will tuck in later on tonight and go through everything.
Thanks so much for the compliment. Enjoy the read. It is a book after all… Let me know how your writing goes and if I can be of service.
When I was reading this post, I was thinking to myself ‘hmm, whose blog should I start reading and commenting on?” And then it occurred to me that the only blog I’ve been reading (quite non-stop, might I add) in the past little while has been this one! So, this being my first time ever commenting on a blog, I’m glad I’m doing it on one I’ve thoroughly enjoyed and have found to be quite informative (as well as at times, inspirational) for me, at this time 🙂 So any who, that’s my comment (I may comment some more on your later posts, as I have been recommended to do so by another very knowledgeable blogger ;)) Last words: thank you so very much for this blog, I have found it to be quite useful. Alright, ending transmission (not sure how
Well, I’m honored that you are reading my blog and chose to comment on it. And you achieved a link in the process. So, good for you! Come back again. I’m glad you find it useful and inspiring.
The prooblem I have is that people think that they will actually get a better google rating by adding a comment to a post then adding their link. I think this is the most misguided information being spread around.
Spam is spam. There is a lot of this going on around the internet. It does not work. It only annoys the owner of the blog and gets the commenter put on my spam list.
They should not be commenting and leaving a link. They should be leaving legit comments the conversation. If they do so, people will click through to see who they are. If they’ve left their blog address in the info asked for when they signed in to comment, it will be easy for readers to find their blog. The only time I’d leave a link is if there is a relevant post to include that adds value to the conversation. Most people who add a link to their comment end up in my spam file and I never see their comments.