If you don’t want to go to much expense, you can simply convert your blogged book to an e-book yourself and sell it from your blog site or from a website. This doesn’t make it available on e-readers. It does, however, create an information product from which you can earn money.
Creating this type of e-book is pretty simple. You do need some design savvy, though. You must create an e-book that looks nice and has some decent graphics, especially if you plan to charge a fair amount for the book. After that, you need only get yourself a copy of Adobe Acrobat Professional. Save your finished manuscript as a secure PDF, and you are ready to sell it.
Many people ask if this PDF needs to be password protected. You can do that if you like. I’ve never yet purchased one that was. Most people treat these just like books, which are purchased and then lent out if they are well liked.
If you want to create an e-book that is ready for most e-readers, try the service offered by Fastpencil.com, which claims to create e-books for ALL e-readers. You also can try Smashwords.com. You can format your book for the Amazon Kindle here.
If you are still wishing for that traditional contract, check in next time for more information on pursuing a traditional publishing contract.
Many PDF readers and editors also include digital signature functionality – an encryption technology that is applied to an e-signature as a layer of supplementary authentication, ensuring that the name on the dotted line is authentic and unaltered.