You may be bored with these posts, but I’m not. Today I started jumping up and down in my office when I discovered yet one more blog released as a book in October. Why? That brings the number of blog-to-books released by traditional publishers in October that I know about–there likely are more–to 6. That doesn’t sound like many. Multiply 6 by 12 months of the year, though, and you come up with 72.
Big deal, right?
Yes. Big deal.
At the height of the blog-to-book trend in 2009, experts claim 50-60 blog-to-book deals were made. If an average of 6 blogs are showing up in print form every month of 2011, the trend has exceeded the past heights.
While I was at Blog Word Expo in Los Angeles at the beginning of the month, Wiley had a booth there. They were featuring numerous bloggers’ books–bloggers who had been picked up by Wiley and asked to write a book. Most wrote a book that consisted of partially blogged material. However, Wiley isn’t the only publisher looking for test marketed book ideas. After all, that’s what a successful blog is–a test marketed book idea.
For instance, the book I came across today was published by Gotham. David McRaney is the creator of the blog You Are Not So Smart. You Are Not So Smart: Why You Have Too Many Friends on Facebook, Why Your Memory Is Mostly Fiction, and 46 Other Ways You’re Deluding Yourself was, as I said, released last month. Adams Media, Betterway Books, NAL Trade, Gallery Books, Writer’s Digest Books (my publisher), and Chicago University Press have turned blogs into printed books –to name just a few publishers just off the top of my head.
So, what are you waiting for? In fact, don’t wait any longer. Start blogging you book today. Write a post a day…or five days a week…and get that book blogged in a year or less.
Gonna take me up on the challenge? Tell me about your book idea…
Yes! I am taking you up on this challenge!
Yeah! Let me know how it goes.