As a blogger and writer, at some point you’ll work with an editor. The process might be easy or hard–depending on you and the editor. Today, Jennifer Brown Banks (@PENPROSPER1) offers advice on how to deal with even the most challenging editors. If you want to produce quality work—as a blogger and an author—you must […]
How Bloggers Benefit from Creative Collaborations
Creative collaborations with other writers or bloggers can prove enormously satisfying and productive…or terribly stressful and unproductive. Yet, choosing to collaborate in some way might make a huge difference in your success and blogging enjoyment. That’s why today, Jennifer Brown Banks (@PENPROSPER1) offers advice on how to pair up with other bloggers in ways that […]
Why (and How) You Should Schedule Blog Posts a Month in Advance
Have you taken a “rainy-day” approach to your blog? In other words, you have saved or scheduled blog posts for the future—just in case. In today’s guest post, freelance writer and ghostwriter Dan Kenitz (@buildwithwords) explains the advantages of using the schedule feature of your blog strategically. “It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.” […]
How a Word Quota Helps You Blog Your Book
Guest blogging remains a powerful tool for bloggers who want to increase their traffic and expert status. But too many bloggers aim too low when they seek guest blogging opportunities. Today, Kyle Bell (@kbeezy902) offers some advice on how to land guest blogging gigs with top-tier sites. Writers and bloggers write; it’s what we do […]
Time Management Tips for Blogging Success
If you have lots of ideas for blog posts but aren’t publishing on a regular basis or you started blogging your book and stalled out, time management might be your problem. Today, Jennifer Brown Banks (@PENPROSPER1) offers advice on how to do a better job of time management so you increase your chances of blogging […]
There’s More to Blogging than Blogging
There’s more to blogging than blogging. Everything in your life affects your ability to write and, therefore, blog. Your personal life, professional life, hobbies, emotional state, physical state, ability to focus, habits, mindsets, the conditions in which you live… All of this—and more—makes a huge difference on whether or not you sit down and produce […]
10 More Ways to Become a High-Performance Blogger
The majority of bloggers don’t have a strong enough desire to achieve expert or successful blogger status. The lack of desire turns into a lack of action taken to manifest their dream of a large readerships, writing and publishing a book based on their blog, and having an impact in their market. According to a […]
3 Ways to Establish Expert Status with Your Blog
Expert status. It can make the difference between your success as a writer, blogger, and author. A blog provides an effective way to become an expert, but sometimes you need additonal strategies to achieve that status. In today’s guest post, Jennifer Brown Banks (@PENPROSPER1) provides tactics that will help you use your blog to become […]
5 Ways to Increase Your Blogging Confidence
Lack of confidence may be one of the most prevalent reasons why writers and bloggers don’t publish their work. When you possess confidence, however, you are more likely to write and publish consistently. Today, Jennifer Brown Banks (@PENPROSPER1) provides tips on how to increase your blogging confidence so you possess a powerful tool to help […]
8 Strategies for Writing Successful Blog Posts
Starting a blog doesn’t take guesswork. However, discovering how to make your blog successful can prove mysterious. But you don’t need to magic or to be a sleuth to discover how to accomplish this goal. The following eight strategies will help you make every blog post a hit with your readers. 1: Include High-Value Infographics […]