Today is the OFFICIAL LAUNCH DAY for How to Blog a Book: Write, Publish, and Promote Your Work One Post at a Time the book. Today is just one day after that awesome solar eclipse, and that celestial event was supposed to bring with it the opportunity to clear away whatever has been limiting us. What a great day to fully launch this book into the world since it shows aspiring writers like you how to easily and quickly write abook and promote it at the same time–to go beyond any limits you’ve felt to becoming an author.
Book Giveaway: Writer Mama Every Day In May Book Giveaway of How to Blog a Book, How to Write, Publish and Promote Your Book One Post at a Time (with foreword by Christina Katz) at These are the giveaway rules:
Today I am featured over at Christina Katz’ blog, The Prosperous Writer, as part of her fifth annual daily book giveaway. I’m so honored to be included in this special event, and as you may know, I’m also honored that Christina wrote a foreword to my book.
So, if you are a writer mama, and you would like a chance to win my book today and books by other mom authors the rest of the month (if you missed the first few weeks, go on over to and answer a daily question about your writing process.
Free Teleseminar: 6 p.m. PT, “Blog Your Way to a Book Deal”; register here: One book and one coaching session will be given away!
Daily #howtoblogabook Twitter Tip campaign: If you are on Twitter, follow me @Nina Amir and watch for a tip a day with the #howtoblogabook hashtag; retweet the tweet to win a free 15-minute coaching session-one given away each day in May. How do you find the tweet? Follow my Twitter stream or search for the hashtag (#howtoblogabook) in Twitter’s search engine.
Phew. I’m going to be tired tonight…I hope you’ll join me in at least one of these fun events. Come learn about blogging books! Get your book written fast and easily.
If you haven’t purchased your copy of How to Blog a Book, you can do so here:
Nina, hearty congratulations on the launch of How to Blog a Book!
Thank you, Barbara!
What a great book!
Blogging is different from other writing in that it is shorter than a short story. If you do it right, however, you can string all the bits you develop together to form the whole story.
Your book is the spool of thread that helps one weave the bits into a (hopefully) marvelous tapestry.
For the past six months or so, I’ve been writing various bits and pieces with a vague notion of creating my tapestry. Your book came a week ago and I’ve been devouring it ever since! About an hour ago, I registered a new domain name for my project, Watch this space!
Thank you for writing this book! Great job!
Thanks so much for your comment! I’m glad you were inspired by the book. When you finish blogging your book, please feel free to submit a guest post. Or if you discover some tip or tool along the way you want to share, you can write a guest post and submit it as well. The guidelines are posted on the site.