Blogging Basics for Aspiring Authors: Lesson 25
In the last three months, I’ve provided you with 25 blog posts containing 30 tips to help you improve your blog and your blogging skills, as well as your blogged book. If you’ve tried to implement them all in that amount of time, you might feel overwhelmed and burned out—and understandably so. That’s why the final tip of this series is about passion. (You can read the introductory post to the series here and the first tip here.)
When I first began writing How to Blog a Book here on this blog, I spoke about the necessity of feeling passionate for your topic. I remain steadfast in that belief. Yet, there is more to the blogging well than simply feeling passion for your subject matter. Your passion must keep you inspired if you are to keep blogging your book despite any type of adversity or hardship, like the frustration and burnout already mentioned. That requires a sense of purpose.
Passion + Purpose = Inspiration
My equation for achieving results with my clients—blog-to-book, blogging, book, author, inspired-results coaching clients….really any of my coaching clients—begins with discovering two important pieces of information: What is their passion and their purpose?
Most people feel passionate about something, and writers or bloggers are no different. I’m not talking about simply enjoying basketball or liking dogs or feeling your must write or read. I’m talking about buying yarn by the box load and knitting everywhere and anytime you have a moment free or driving everyone you meet crazy with your constant lobbying to stop the slaughter of ex-race horses. These are passions—things so close to your heart or mind you feel they are part of you, things you can’t stop yourself from doing or talking and thinking about.
Embedded within your passion typically lies a sense of purpose—yes, even with knitting. Inside you feel you have a mission to accomplish. Your soul whispers to you—or yells—to get involved, to do something. You feel compelled to take action in some way.
A purpose could look like a unique gift you have to give the world—and maybe that is your writing, but you can use it to further a cause or to help others in some way. Maybe your gift manifests in the fact that you are extremely good at cooking, listening to others, or caring for the elderly. Your purpose might lie in these areas if you also feel passionate about or compelled to do these activities or use these gifts in some way—to cook for the homeless, take up counseling, or work in a retirement home. Or maybe you choose to blog a book on a related topic, like a cookbook of recipes that help reduce obesity, a book about how to listen to others or a book about how to take care of aging parents.
If you get in touch with your purpose and acknowledge it—really admit your soul is pushing you to fulfill your potential in a specific way during this lifetime, and then combine that purpose with your passion, something amazing happens. Inspiration overwhelms you. Before, you simply felt passionate about a subject. Now, you feel inspired.
For writers, usually their passion and purpose collide with writing. The have a subject about which they feel passionate and writing about it allows them to fulfill their purpose. Or they are passionate about telling certain types of stories, so writing those stories fulfills their purpose—especially if the stories are read. Sometimes writers want to create change in the world, and feel passionate about that change. In this way, they can author change.
Remember Why You Began Blogging Your Book
The key to “blogging on” no matter what—when you still don’t have but 20 readers a day, when you get more spam than real comments (or no comments at all), when your social networks and subscriber list are not growing as fast as you’d like, or when writing and blogging just seems hard or like they don’t fit into your schedule—is to remember why you began blogging your book in the first place. You did it because you had passion for your topic. You did it because you had a purpose to fulfill. You felt inspired.
Get back to that place of feeling inspired again. Try:
- Rereading the mission statement you wrote before you began writing your blogged book.
- Asking yourself why you first felt passionate about your topic.
- Rewriting your mission statement, and recommitting to it.
- Getting away from your computer and actually “doing” your passion.
- Visualizing your end goal achieved.
- Meditating and asking for guidance—for your next best step or the next inspired action to take; then take it.
When you feel inspired, you will write inspired content for your blogged book and your blog. And your readers will feel that inspiration coming through—and they will feel inspired. That’s when you will Achieve More Inspired Results.
For information on inspired-results coaching, click here. For all my other types of coaching, click here.
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Now on Mondays at 5 p.m. PST.
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hello, i have a true life story of mudered father by brother,drugs,serious abuse that changes your life,and effect others incest,rape,true storys that most will think is scifi,i want help from a profsional im willing to give a percentage of the proceeds for help in writing this book are you interested,im new to blogging,thank you
I’m sorry…I can’t work for a percentage of the proceeds. Most books don’t make a lot of money. The average book sells just 500 copies per year and 3,000 in its lifetime. I hope you find someone. If you would like to hire an editor or ghostwriter, I’d be happy to help you.