When it comes to bringing in a bigger audience for your blog, it makes sense that you might use advertising. Especially when you have digital content—like blog posts, digital marketing provides a prime way to use advertising to its fullest effect. The strategies for doing so are not too difficult, either, especially when your primary goal is to ensure your site is visible to search engines organically and with paid marketing campaigns.
Search Engine Optimization
SEO remains an important consideration for dealings on the internet, since search engines are the way most browsers of the internet find anything. Basic strategy includes organic use of keywords within the title and content body, including alt tags in all graphics including flash, picking strategic tags, and ensuring the website itself is optimized by relying heavily on HTML (since fancier workings may not be visible to search engines), and the site is mobile friendly. The goal is to make the blog as visible as possible so that it can rank high on searches. And speaking of visibility…
Paid Ads Work As Advertised
The difficult part of advertisements is in crafting something effective. Succinct, to the point, and clear is the triad of perfection for an internet ad, but it needs to be eye-catching as well. Deciding where to put an ad is the easy part. Consider what sites have a lot of traffic that would include people of your target audience; depending on the subject of your book that you’ll be blogging. Social media platforms are a good idea as there are so many users and ad algorithms that are designed to target the right audience. Speaking of social media…
Keep a Presence on Social Media
Since social media is one of the prime places to develop visibility and to engage your audience, failing to utilize it cutts off ways readers might find your blog. Some blog readers might only notice there’s a new post if an update on Facebook or Twitter tells them about it. Maintaining multiple platforms allows better control of the online reputation of the blog as well, and more ways to monitor said reputation. Creating a bigger presence allow you to pin interesting related topics or tweet back and forth – engagement draws people in. In fact, it’s also a good idea to bring the engagement one step further.
Posting on Related Forums and Blogs
Visiting similar, more popular blogs is a good idea for getting a glimpse of a successful blog structure or other techniques, like encouraging engagement on the blog. But actually commenting on the blog, and saying something meaningful that could start an actual conversation, provides a great way to bring visitors back. Your comment shouldn’t be specifically self-promoting, but any intelligent conversation you can generate is attractive. Likewise, finding relevant forums and starting intelligent conversations there with some way to link back to the blog – whether through a signature or listing a personal website on the forum profile (or both!) – is equally strategic. It builds reputation and authority, which can result in having people flock to those whom they find interesting or entertaining to read.
With the above reminders stated, these are just a few of the ways that digital marketing can greatly help with letting the world know that you’ve blogged a book.
About the Author
Murris Johnson IV is dedicated to providing as much helpful information on the subject of digital marketing. He had a successful full-time career in this industry since 2003. In over a decade working online, he’s learned that there is no other form of marketing that can put what people are looking for in front of them exactly when they’re looking for it. Visit him at Nomvo.com.
Copyright: rawpixel / 123RF Stock Photo
Will it also work for fictional novels?
Novels are fiction. You only need to say novel. And yes, it does…but it’s easier for nonfiction. Search the site for the posts I’ve written about blogging fiction.
nice blog
thanks for sharing information.
Marketing and advertising mediums have dramatically shifted over the past 10 years. The advertising agency of the past is now becoming the digital marketing agency.
Digital Marketing
Best Regards
Jeannie Ruby
Yes, i agree with you digital marketing helps you to bring a traffic to our website/Blog especially we new to the blogging industry.
Where can i find a good course about SEO?
I’m not sure, Olimpio.
Hi Nina, I think the presence on social media is very good idea because you can start your work and your friends support you first. If your friends support you then we don’t need the paid promotion right?
You might still need it, Arina. Sometimes are friends are not enough…
right, i agree and thanks for sharing info.
Content is everything! You can promote your blog, use backlinking and other stuff but if there’s no great content, you won’t gain more traffic. Also, do you think guest posts are useful?
I think guest posts are enormously useful, Regex SEO…but I’m sure you agree!
Great content is where it all starts. You can have all the keywords in the world, but if your content is no good, people won’t stick around on your site and search engines won’t find your site valuable.
Thanks for sharing the information. commenting on blogs are very important strategies to develop business.
This a great post! I enjoyed reading it.
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Good luck with your future piece ?
Very informative Blog, Keep Posting.
very helpful Blog, It will help me alot. keep posting.
Very informative Blog, It will help me alot. keep posting.
Thanks for sharing this informative article. It will enhance my knowledge about marketing.
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Thanks for sharing the records. commenting on blogs are very vital strategies to increase business.
What i realize after this post you are wonderfully applying all the digital marketing strategy in your channel and your channel is growing day by day. Happy to see for helping the community. Thanks ?
There are many online marketing methods to advertise products and services online. Classified ad post-marketing is one of them. It is an online introduction and advertisement of business products.
“To increase website traffic, classified ad post marketing is used to promote the product and service that are being offered by the small-scale business”.
It is a cheaper and commonly used method to promote a product online. It includes an eye-catching and brief description of the product that is promoted online.
The term classified is used in the classified ad post-marketing, because all promotions and advertisements that refer to a particular section are classified, and fall under one single heading.
Amazing Article regarding Digital Marketing Strategy, Guest blogging is effective strategy in Digital marketing.
Thanks for the amazing article about digital marketing it is very useful for us.
Thanks for sharing this 4-ways-digital-marketing-can-help-you-blog-a-book this is very helpful post for us.
Digital Marketing is the new era of marketing with proper analytics. Great content thanks for sharing.
Thanks for this amazing article on digital marketing it is very helpful for us.
Very good! Digital Marketing has become very competitive and a daily challenge. Congratulations on the article!