By Dina Eisenberg (@DinaEisenberg)
You made the wise decision to blog your book. The next step is making your book and blog visible to your readers through marketing. But as a busy author you may not have the time (or interest) to devote to implementing the marketing plan you designed. That’s where Fiverr can be a tremendous help to you.
Fiverr is Your Secret Tool
If you haven’t heard already, Fiverr is an online marketplace for where service and creative professionals offer their services starting at five dollars.
Most Gigs—that’s what a task is called—average between $10-50, which makes Fiverr a very affordable way to outsource work that doesn’t need to be done by you. The hours you save you outsourcing can be better put to use building the personal relationships that will support you as an author and champion your book.
Getting Started on Fiverr
Your first step is to get started on Fiverr by simply creating a free account. You can use your own name or an alias. I use my own name because I’d forget my alias and I want to increase my name recognition.
Your next step is to decide what task you’d like to get done and begin your search for providers. How do you know what tasks to delegate? It’s good to have an outsourcing philosophy so you know what projects to delegate.
What to Delegate
That can be a tough question when you’re accustomed to doing everything yourself. It makes perfect sense to delegate tasks when:
- You don’t have the skill, talent or expertise to do the task well
- You do have the skills but your time is better spent elsewhere
- You need an extra set of hands
- You want a ‘thinking’ partner to help you create
Fiverr is a Godsend for Authors
- Press Release
A well-written press release builds enormous buzz for your book launch and enhances your authority as an expert. Plan on doing 3-5 press releases to announce the news of your book.
My favorite Fiverr provider is because she goes the extra mile for me every time. Not only does Bri polish up the news angle I supply, she does independent research when necessary to flesh out the story.
- Postcard Design
New authors network a lot. It’s nice to be able to leave a postcard flyer behind for people to remember you and your book by. The postcard does double duty. You can use it as your business card at networking events and as a mailer as you look for speaking engagements to share your book.
The front of the postcard is your book cover and a great review or key benefit to spark interest. The back of the postcard shares a little about you as the author, contact information, along with a link to your book sales page.
- Article submission
The hard part isn’t writing the articles. You already know how to write. The tedious part is submitting those articles to the most popular directories and bookmarking sites. Delegate!
Be sure to specify the outlets you want, the keywords to use and give your provider a marketing ‘blurb’ to use as a description.
- Guest blogging research
Guest blogging introduces your book to new audiences and builds your list and credibility. But if you’re not seen on the right blogs your book may not get the exposure you are expecting.
Have a provider research the popular blogs in your niche with a high page rank. A Google sheet or Excel spreadsheet is an excellent way to track the date and where your articles are published.
- Infographic creation
Did you know that infographics can increase your referral traffic by 12 percent? Use Fiverr to create a 5 data point infographic from quotes or data from your book.
You can also hire a provider to post your infographic to various infographic aggregation sites.
Marketing is Easy with Fiverr
Now that you know about Fiverr, you literally have a world of providers from 196 countries ready to help you in whatever ways you need. Your marketing confidence, book sales and free time will soar as a result.
Have you used Fiverr before?
About the Author
Dina Eisenberg JD, Fiverr Expert, Repurposing Coach, Speaker, Chief Easy Officer of, shows authors and entrepreneurs how to repurpose and market their past brilliance into best selling ebooks, online courses and podcasts. She is known as the GPS to find the best virtual help online. To learn how to Fiverr buyer etiquette, visit
Thanks alot Dina you solved my problem, I was going to have a Press release on PRweb and I’m not good at writing viral stuff, thanks for referring to BriheartsBooks.
Thanks Dina for sharing informative post. It’s a very useful post for fiverr user.
Nice post on fiverr. Thanks for sharing.
You solved the problem of mine, because i wanted to hire someone for Guest Blogging Research. Thanks again.