Almost three years ago Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog made it’s debute. Now, fans can purchase a book that celebrates the production with the full shooting script, info from the blog, photos from the set, contributions from the cast and sheet music.
Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog:The Book (Titan, $19.95) is based on one of the most popular web series of all time: Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog. Created by Joss Whedon, “Dr. Horrible” was created during the Hollywood Writers’ Strike in 2008 as a way for Whedon to produce creative content. He wrote the script with brothers Zack and Jed, and cast popular actor, such as Neil Patrick Harris and Nathan Fillion.
If you visit the blog site, you can see the many things this blog has morphed into. It might give you some great ideas for audio and video to include with your blogged book. Video in particular provides a great way to get more hits for your blog.
You just reminded me that I still haven’t seen this! The hubz is off today so we are going to go curl up together on the couch & watch it now. Afterward I plan to check out the blogsite. Thanks for the tip! 🙂