If I told you to publish your blogged book with a vanity publisher you’d probably tell me I was crazy. Yet, many of you will consider (or may be considering) doing just that and will call it self-publishing. About now you’re probably scratching your head and trying to figure out what the heck I’m talking […]
Are You Cut Out to be an Indie Publisher?
Let’s say your blogged book doesn’t garner enough readers to attract a traditional publisher or you simply would rather independently publish your book. Great! Or not. The experience you have self-publishing your book depends to a great extent on if you are cut out to be more than just a writer or blogger. Before you […]
How to Successfully Self-Publish Your eBooked Blog
What happens if you don’t want to be discovered by a traditional publisher–if you’d rather book your own blog? Or what if you don’t get discovered by an agent or publisher and decide to become an indie publisher instead? Maybe you want to try your hand at producing an ebook… How do you make sure […]
How to Boldy and Honestly Blog Your Way to a Book Deal
I couldn’t help but take notice when my Google Alert brought up this blog-to-book deal: Your Boyfriend and Other Guys I’ve Kissed: The Tails of Totally Tyler. It was written by someone named Totally Tyler. I looked at the cover. This was worth pursuing. Tyler shows what can happen when you blog—or blog a book—honestly, […]
Joel Friedlander on Creating a Successful Booked Blog
Joel Friedlander, author and book designer, posts articles about independent publishing, writing, book design, and book marketing on his blog, TheBookDesigner.com. The blog was founded in November 2009 and currently has over 840 articles on these subjects. His book, A Self-Publisher’s Companion: Expert Advice for Authors Who Want to Publish, uses the same branding as […]
Publishing Options for Your Booked Blog
Once your booked blog has been professionally edited, you must decide how you will publish it. You have a variety of options for turning your blogged book manuscript into an actual book. Traditional Publishing If you’ve come this far—spending time and money on professional editing services, you have likely decided not to go the traditionally […]
Why a Booked Blog Manuscript Needs Editing
Compiling a blogged book manuscript from all those posts you’ve previously written can be a big job—especially if you didn’t do a good job of organizing your blog with categories and tags. If you did, the manuscript may have come together pretty easily. However, as I mentioned in my last post, all you have now […]
Blog a Short Book…and Publish It…Fast!
Yesterday I sent off a short book to the printer created out of just 10 blog posts. Yes, just 10–and now it is a 78 page 4″ x 6″ book. Previously, I published it as an ebook. I’ll have it in my hands in just 10 days. Does that inspire you to blog a book? […]
Joel Friedlander’s Tips and Reasons for Booking a Blog
On Friday when I reviewed fellow blogger and book designer Joel Friedlander’s new book, A Self-Publisher’s Companion, Expert Advice for Authors Who Want to Publish, I promised I’d publish the four questions I asked him about his experience booking a blog. (If you don’t know what that means, please refer to this post.) You see, […]
Turning Your Blogged Book Into a POD book
If you want to self-publish your blogged book, you can choose several methods for turning the blog into an actual book. First, however, you must have a manuscript. As I mentioned previously, the easiest way to blog a book and end up with a manuscript entails writing your posts in Microsoft Word and then copying […]