Expert status constitutes one spoke in an author’s platform. Publishers purchase nonfiction books from authors they perceive as experts in their fields.
According to Techorati.com 56 percent of all bloggers say their blog has helped them or their companies establish a position as a thought leader within an industry. Additionally, 58 percent say they are better-known in their industry because of their blog.
No matter a person’s actual credentials, a published book always helps establish expert status. It seems you don’t have to actually be an expert if you have published a book; the book makes you an expert.
So, if blogging can help a person—any person—build expert status, imagine what blogging a book can do. It not only can help propel you into the ranks of “thought leader” but also into the ranks of published author and expert.
Of course, you must know your topic to blog a book. You must have great and well-researched information to offer your blog readers. Otherwise, no one will read your blogged book or perceive you as anything but a fraud. However, if you offer superb information in the form of a blogged book, you will little by little—post by post—achieve expert status.
And that expert status will help you get noticed on line and off by readers, agents and publishers.
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