Today you can become an independent publisher in a variety of ways ranging from offset printing to producing an ebook. Should you choose to self-publish your blogged book, it’s important to understand all your options. This will help you avoid publishing your book in a manner that doesn’t suit your needs or your wallet. For […]
7 Things to Understand Before Traditionally Publishing Your Book
During the month of May 2013, this blog focused primarily on how to traditionally publish your blogged book. Before moving on to look carefully at self-publishing, I’d like to recap what we covered. Here are 7 aspects of publishing you must understand if you want to land a deal with a traditional publisher and have […]
How to Write a Book Proposal for Your Blogged Book
If you want to land a traditional publishing deal, you will need a book proposal. This remains true even if your blogged book gets discovered by an agent or publisher. A book proposal serves as a business plan for a book, and publishers rely on it to determine if your book is marketable and if […]
Write a Query Letter that Compels Agents and Editor to Read More
If you decide to pursue representation by a literary agent or a contract with a publisher on your own, you will need two documents: a query letter and a book proposal. Both agents and acquisitions editors need to see a query letter prior to requesting a manuscript or a proposal. If written well, this letter […]
7 Reasons You Likely Need an Agent to Traditionally Publish a Book
If you have decided to try traditional publishing, you will likely need a literary agent. As mentioned in my last post, this is especially true if you want to approach a mid-sized to large publishing house. Even if you opt to approach a small independent publisher, though, in the end, you may wish you had […]
How Books Get Sold to Traditional Publishers
If you decide you want to have your blogged book—or any book—published by a traditional publisher, you need to understand the traditional publishing process. Keep in mind the different types of publishers, how they like to be approached, what they look for in aspiring authors. Every publishing house has certain submission criteria. Smaller ones will […]
What Type of Traditional Publisher Best Suits You and Your Book?
Before you decide to approach a traditional publisher and ask to receive backing your proposed book project, you need an understanding not only of what publishers seek in a publishing partner but also how each type of publishing house differs. You want to familiarize your self with how to contact small independent publishers, mid-sized publishers […]
How to Get Your Blogged Book Traditionally Published
Many writers who choose to blog books dream of landing a traditional publishing deal. After all, so many successful bloggers have been discovered by traditional publishers because their readership or subscription base made them attractive as authors as well. That’s the foundation of the blog-a-book principle: create a large platform of potential readers for your […]
4 Reasons to Choose to Self-Publish Your Book
You’ve produced a blogged book manuscript, but after considering the four reasons why you might choose a traditional publisher for your project, you’ve decided this option doesn’t suit your character. Now what? Consider independently publishing your blogged book. Become a publisher in your own right by self-publishing your book. Why might you opt for independent […]
4 Reasons to Choose to Traditionally Publish Your Blogged Book
You’ve produced a blogged book manuscript. Now what? You can choose two ways to publish your book: with a traditional publisher or independently as a self-publisher. Why might you opt for traditional publishing? Here are four good reasons to traditionally publish your book. 1. You don’t want to be a “project manager.” If you don’t […]
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