Good intentions aren’t enough to achieve your new year blogging goals. If they were, more bloggers, writers, and people would make good on their intentions. Instead, only about eight percent of those who set goals in December achieve them. The reason for this is simple: On January 1, they possessed the same identity they had […]
How a Relationships with Your Future Self Helps You Achieve Blogging Goals
Are you well acquainted with your future self? You might think that’s a crazy question to ask since your future self exists in the future. However, you live in the present; therefore, never the twain shall meet, right? Wrong. Your current self can develop a relationship with your future self. Not only that, a conscious […]
How an Alter Ego Helps You Achieve Blogging Goals
If you find it challenging to become the person you want to be—a blogger, writer, or author, consider developing an alter ego. This “alternative self’ might be just what you need to begin showing up at your computer with the characteristics, behaviors, and mindsets you desire—and know you need to succeed at a blogging, writing, […]
A 12-Step Process for Getting Desired Blogging Results
Goal setting has become a widespread practice for people in many careers, including blogging. However, the majority of people never achieve their goals. So, don’t set blogging goals. Instead, get the blogging results you desire by being a blogger who can move successfully from where you are now—Point A—to where you want to be in […]
The One Thing You Must Do to Achieve Your Blogging Goals
How often do you achieve your blogging goals—always, occasionally, or never? If you didn’t answer “always,” the reason you don’t achieve your goals more often can be explained in one word: you. Yes. It’s your fault. I don’t want to make you feel guilty but admit it… You stop yourself from achieving the blogging results […]