Bloggers are experts on their subject matter. As such, they are often seen as influencers and thought leaders. However, all too often, writers and bloggers don’t write or publish because they feel like frauds. They doubt their level of knowledge or skill and allow their “imposter syndrome” to stop them in their blogging and publishing […]
10 Reasons You Want a Blog in Your Book Marketing Plan
Lots of people will tell you blogging is dead. They’ll also say a blog doesn’t build an audience for your book fast enough, so try social media instead. Or they’ll claim that blogging a book is no longer a valid way to create a platform or write a book. Overall, they’ll declare that blogging is […]
How to Increase Your Blogging Confidence with Greater Competence
When you feel confident in your writing ability, you know you can accomplish whatever you put your mind to doing—including starting a blog or completing a full-length blogged book. However, low confidence levels can prevent you from trying to create even a semblance of that success. There’s an easy way to raise your blogging confidence […]