Today I ran into a woman I’ve known for a long time. We aren’t great friends, but our kids used to dance together. We’ve been connected on Facebook for a number of years mostly because of the kids. However, we both had columns. What I didn’t realize was that she also had a blog […]
Uniqueness Attracts Blog-to-Book Deals
Content is king! Content is king! Content is king! As bloggers and as aspiring authors, this concept gets drilled into our heads. We are told that writing great posts, articles and manuscripts gets readers to our blogs and attracts agents and publishers. Yet, some bloggers can get blog-to-book deals without writing a single paragraph of […]
Know Your Competition to Angle for Success
Picking up where I left off, you now need to take long hard look at any other blogs that might compete with your blogged book. You do this to ensure not that you are the only one blogging on your topic but that you are blogging on the topic from a unique angle. You want […]