I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed, but this site contains a challenge. It has been here for about four years. The challenge is quite simple: Write a blog post per day and a book per year. Are you up for it? As the site states: The point [of the challenge] is to blog your […]
An 8-Point Blog-a-Book Checklist
I’ve been touting the benefits of blogging a book for five years. I’ve written about the process over and over again here and on other sites. I even revised and expanded How to Blog a Book. And I’ve blogged several more books. Hopefully, you’ve decided to blog your book. I realize that, even though the […]
Become an Influencer with a Blog and a Book
Anyone who spends time in social networks has heard about them. We know we are supposed to follow them. We want them to follow us back. We want to become like them. Who are they? Influencers. They are the people on Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn, and Pinterest (even Instagram) with the ginormous followings. They […]
Blog Your Book in a Month
It’s that time of year again: National Book Blogging Month (NaBoBloMo). No…that doesn’t mean I am suggesting that you review books on your blog for a month. Indeed, bloggers who review books call themselves book bloggers, but I’m talking about writing a book on your blog—in 30 days. You can be that kind of book […]
Coming Soon: The Second Edition of How to Blog a Book!
Back in May 2012, I first held a copy of How to Blog a Book in my hands. I felt so thrilled that my “experiment” had worked: I had blogged a book and blogged my way to a book deal. I had proven that you could consciously write, publish and promote your book one post […]
How to Structure Your Nonfiction Blogged Book
You’ve got an idea for a blogged nonfiction book. Maybe you’ve even brainstormed some ideas for content, completed a mind map or come up with a tentative outline. Now you’re wondering about how to structure your book. It’s really not that difficult to create a structure for a nonfiction book. Although not all nonfiction books […]
How to Craft a Book Idea that Sells
Most aspiring authors believe their ideas are unique and readers absolutely need to read their books. Like these writers, you may feel convinced your book idea is new, fresh, timely, different, and essential. It’s great to feel passionate, enthusiastic and confident when the proverbial light bulb goes off, but those feelings—and your conviction—simply aren’t enough […]
Should You Blog Your Novel?
Many novelists feel intrigued by the idea of blogging a book. If they seek a traditional publishing deal, however, they usually have one major concern: If I blog my novel, will a publisher be interested in the manuscript? In fact, nonfiction writers have the same concern. No matter what type of book you blog, this […]
How to Start Your Blogged Book (or Any Book) Using a Mind Map
Many people don’t write books because they simply don’t know how to start. They possess an idea for a book, but they don’t know what to do with it. They can’t imagine how they get from initial idea to finished manuscript. Maybe you fall into this category. No worries. There is a way to easily […]
Angles and Themes Help You Write a Unique and Valuable Blogged Book
How to Blog a Better Book: Lesson #3 Angles make your blogged book unique. Themes give them value. When you blog a book, or simply set out to write a book, train yourself to think about your book in these terms so you write a book that isn’t like those previously published and that addresses your […]