Bloggers are writers, but sometimes they forget to put writing and publishing lessons to use in their blog posts and on websites. Today Emmanuel Nataf (@EmmanuelNataf), co-founder of Reedsy, reminds us of five essential blogging lessons that arise out of the writing and publishing world. At first glance, bloggers, nonfiction writers, and novelists might not […]
6 Vocal Tips to Help Writers Cultivate Voice
Most writing classes eventually teach “voice.” Writers need to find their own voice, and blogging can help achieve that end. But there are other ways to discover your voice as a writer—and to cultivate it. Today, Jennifer Brown Banks (@PENPROSPER1), serves as your vocal coach and give bloggers “voice lessons” gleaned from the music industry. […]
6 Tips to Help Writers Cultivate Voice
Do you feel you have a distinct voice as a blogger and writer? If not, you need to develop one…fast! Without a distinct voice, your message disappears among the millions of other voices trying to be heard in the blogosphere. And you want your voice to be heard…and recognized…easily and quickly. Like a vocal coach, […]