You can find a ton of information online and off about how to “search engine optimize” (SEO) your blog posts. Yet, Google constantly changes its algorithms and rules making it difficult to know if you are turning out search-engine friendly content or not. If you aren’t a techie or simply want to blog or to […]
6 Creativity Fixes for Long-Time and Long-Term Bloggers
It doesn’t matter if you are blogging a book, blogging about a book or just plain blogging on a particular topic, sometimes coming up with creative ideas day in and day out feels hard and boring. When you began your blog, you probably were full of ideas and felt excited and passionate about your subject […]
Universal Content Marketing Productivity Tip For Blogging A Book
Today’s guest post is by Roger. C. Parker. It is reprinted with permission from his Published & Profitable blog. Are you looking for a content marketing productivity tip to save time blogging your book? The hardest part of blogging a book is choosing a book title and selecting topics for your content marketing blog posts. […]
C.C. Chapman on Blogging vs. Blogging a Book
Writers like to write. They don’t like to promote or build platform. That’s why I encourage them to blog and to blog their books. As they blog, they actually promote themselves and their work—and build platform. Why? Because they are producing content. Search engines love content. And readers want content—especially content that solves their problems, […]
Learn How to Blog Your Way to a Book Deal
If you can write, you can blog. That means you can blog your way to a book deal. You can blog a book, and write and publish your work one post at a time in cyberspace while also promoting it so you get “discovered.” Agents and acquisition editors continue to troll the Internet looking for […]
Four Ways to Promote Your Blogged Book
As you write your blogged book, or as you try to drive traffic to your blog so you land a book deal (and can book your blog), the Internet provides you with many effective promotion tools. Here are four tried and true methods for achieving your promotion goals with online activity—activity most bloggers can do […]
Start Blogging a Short Book Today
A few months ago I self-published a short book based on 10 blog posts. In fact, I booked the blog posts — I repurposed the material I had already published on my blog. However, you can easily blog a short book starting today. This is a great idea if you already have a blog and […] Sells Two Books to Grand Central
Today I have two more examples of blog-to-book deals that I don’t understand, but I don’t need to. Obviously, these blogs struck a chord with enough readers to catch a publisher’s eye. And off to press they go. Should the rest of us be so lucky. Gawker Media’s website,, recently sold two books to […]
Content is King…So Get Writing!
In the blogging world, wisdom has it that content is king. That means, they ultimate way to drive people to your blog (or website) involves producing great copy. The more superb and useful content you produce, the more readers and traffic you will see coming to your blog or website. So it’s time to get […]
Keeping Up with Your Blog When Using the Scheduling Option
As you’ve probably realized by now, scheduling your posts offers a definite advantage for the busy blogger or aspiring author. Now that you know how to schedule your blogs, however, you are at risk. You may walk away from your blog all week and pay no attention to what’s going on there. That’s a definite […]