You started blogging to build a platform and land a traditional publishing deal. But you’ve got a problem. You’ve been blogging for while—a year or more—and you still don’t have a lot of readers. You’ve been sharing posts on social media sites, blogging often and in a focused manner, but your efforts just haven’t paid […]
Propel Your Blogged Book With More Content
One of the thing writers do really well is produce content–especially bloggers, who produce content all the time. That’s a great thing in today’s online market, because the best way to promote blogged books comes down to producing great content and lots of it–and placing it on the Internet. By strategically using content in cyberspace, […]
Using Video to Drive Traffic to Your Blogged Book
An increasingly popular way to drive traffic to blogs these days involves video. YouTube has become a huge source of information and entertainment. You may find that by posting videos to YouTube you can drive enormous amounts of traffic to your blogged book. Most computers, especially laptops, have video capability, and flip cameras are pretty […]