You’ve heard the advice: Get out of your comfort zone! Indeed, life takes on a different quality when challenging yourself to go beyond what feels easy now. And if you have blogging goals and publishing dreams, you probably realize that achieving them requires stretching past your current competence and confidence levels, and that can feel […]
Why You Need to Publish Your Content on Your Blog
You can publish your writing in so many different places. However, the place you need to publish your content is on your blog. I’ve said this many times, but it bears repeating: Do not use social media or someone else’s publishing platform as your blog. A blog belongs on your author website. You can share […]
How to Untie Your Hands and Reach for Your Blogging Dreams
Have you ever felt like your hands are tied, and you can’t reach for your blogging dreams? If you have, you may realize that the restrictive feeling you experienced comes from lack and fear, both of which stem from your thought processes. Let’s say you believe you lack time to write and publish blog posts. […]
5 Lessons Bloggers Can Learn from 2024 Grammy Award Performances
What do the Grammy Awards have to do with blogging? A lot…especially if you are of a “certain age” or haven’t written or published anything in a while. This year’s ceremony provided a powerful reminder that you’re never too old to blog, blog a book, or book a blog…or write a book from scratch. And […]
How a Relationships with Your Future Self Helps You Achieve Blogging Goals
Are you well acquainted with your future self? You might think that’s a crazy question to ask since your future self exists in the future. However, you live in the present; therefore, never the twain shall meet, right? Wrong. Your current self can develop a relationship with your future self. Not only that, a conscious […]
How an Alter Ego Helps You Achieve Blogging Goals
If you find it challenging to become the person you want to be—a blogger, writer, or author, consider developing an alter ego. This “alternative self’ might be just what you need to begin showing up at your computer with the characteristics, behaviors, and mindsets you desire—and know you need to succeed at a blogging, writing, […]
5 Strategies for Getting Early Feedback on Your Book Idea or Manuscript
Receiving reader feedback on your manuscript before you publish might be the most valuable step you can take toward producing a successful book. You can obtain this information in a variety of ways depending upon how you choose to write your book. In fact, you can get early feedback even before you write your book. […]
3 Proven Ways to Grow Your Blog Audience
Blogging isn’t like the movie Field of Dreams. If you build it—your blog, they—your readers—will not come. You need a plan to attract a blog audience, and you must work that plan. In this post, Jay Artale (@BirdsOAFpress), a digital nomad and full-time writer and blogger, offers several audience-building strategies that work…and work well. When […]
How to Decide Where to Host Your Online Course
As a blogger and author, you are well-suited to become an online educator. Your content and expertise lend themselves to course creation, and many of your readers will be eager to take your information to a deeper level. But there’s more to offering your readers a course than creating videos, handouts, or tutorials. In this […]
How to Create Passive Blogging Income as an Amazon Affiliate
Making money as a blogger doesn’t have to be as difficult as some people make it seem. You can create a passive income stream pretty fast as an affiliate—especially as part of the Amazon Affiliate Program. Amazon is where you will sell your blogged book, but it’s also where you can make money on your […]