In a few weeks I’ll be speaking at the San Francisco Writing for Change Conference. This is my favorite conference because it is focused on helping nonfiction writers who want to become change agents get their books published. It’s attended by aspiring and published authors who write about self-help, healthy living, spirituality, human potential, ecology […]
The Main Reason Your Blog Doesn’t Attract Readers
A few weeks ago I offered discounted strategy sessions on blogging books and blogging in general. Just about half of the aspiring or published authors and bloggers I spoke with wanted to know how to attract more readers to their blogs. When I took a look at their sites I inevitably discovered the same problem: […]
Are You Allowing Readers to Share Your Blog Posts?
Just about every week I get a call from a blogger who wants to know how to increase blog readership. When I visit the blog, I discover the same problem: The blogger has not provided a way for readers to share blog posts. Shared Posts Equate to More Readers It’s important to get readers to […]
Why You Need a Business Plan For Your Book (Before You Blog It)
Historically, the majority of blog-to-book deals have been booked blogs. That means the blogger didn’t plan out a book and write it on the blog. When the blog became successful, a publisher asked the blogger to repurpose the blog into a book manuscript. Not only that, most bloggers don’t plan out their blogs. They just […]
How “Stuff Parisians Like” Went Blog-to-Bestselling-Book
Like many blog-to-book success stories, Parisian Olivier Magny, a sommelier and founder of Paris’ #1 wine-tasting school, Olivier Magny’s Wine Tasting Company, and wine bar, Ô Chateau, started a with little thought of a book. He called the satirical blog about Paris and Parisians Stuff Parisians Like. Little by little the blog became quite popular. […]
How to Write Search-Engine Friendly Blog Posts
You can find a ton of information online and off about how to “search engine optimize” (SEO) your blog posts. Yet, Google constantly changes its algorithms and rules making it difficult to know if you are turning out search-engine friendly content or not. If you aren’t a techie or simply want to blog or to […]
21 Things To Do Before You Publish Your Posts
As you publish your blogged book post by post (or even if you just blog), ensure you place your best work on your blog each day. If you can afford to hire an editor or proofreader before you hit the “Publish” button—and most bloggers and aspiring authors can’t—use check list to determine if each of […]
Tracy Repchuk Teaches You to Build a Business Around a Blog and Book
Many aspiring authors set out to blog a book, or to simply to write a book, with the idea that the finished product will make them rich. In fact, the majority of authors don’t get rich from their books. The majority of bloggers don’t get rich from their blogs, either. The largest percentage of authors’ […]
6 Creativity Fixes for Long-Time and Long-Term Bloggers
It doesn’t matter if you are blogging a book, blogging about a book or just plain blogging on a particular topic, sometimes coming up with creative ideas day in and day out feels hard and boring. When you began your blog, you probably were full of ideas and felt excited and passionate about your subject […]
Do You Need to be a Good Writer to Succeed as a Blogger?
Fear stops many would-be bloggers from starting to blog. They are afraid of exposing their lack of writing talent or skill. And they are afraid of failing because they simply aren’t good writers. Over and over again we hear that the key to blogging success is to write good content. However, the focus here isn’t […]
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