If you are still sitting on the fence about whether or not blogging your way to a book deal is a good idea. Consider this. You don’t necessarily have to blog your whole book to get a book deal. (I still, say, “Why not if you are already going to the trouble of blogging every […]
One Good Blog Post May Be All You Need to Get Published
Sometimes one blog posts is all it takes to get you noticed by readers, other bloggers, radio show hosts, agents and, ultimately, a publisher. That’s how it worked for award-winning author Patricia V. Davis anyway—and it can work the same way for you. She wrote one blog post that went viral, grabbing the attention of […]
Why You Shouldn’t–or Should–Blog a Book
I came across an interesting blog post not long ago and bookmarked it. I also left a comment. If you are considering blogging a book, you might want to read it–just to get a different perspective than mine. It’s written by Joel Friedlander, the proprietor of Marin Bookworks, in San Rafael, CA. Joel is a […]
Are Blogs and Blogged Books Protected by Copyright Laws?
[Note: This post was included in both the blogged and 1st version of How to Blog a Book. However, it is not as accurate as it should be. For correct information on copyright laws as they pertain to your blogged book or your blog, please read this post.] I’ve been asked the same question several […]
Blog Showcasing Awkward Family Photos becomes a Published “Album” and NYT Bestseller
Some of the blogs that have become books have involved little writing—or almost none at all. A recent pick involves awkward family photos with short pithy captions. That’s it. Mike Bender and Doug Chernack turned embarrassing family snapshots into a booming Internet industry—and now a book. First they took photos that used to gather dust […]
1000 Awesome Things Blog Published as a The Book of Awesome
A while back I mentioned an awesome blog I found that was turned into a book. This blog goes to show that anyone can find something about their life to blog about–or about which to blog a book. During the worst year of his life, Canadian Neil Pasricha decided to try to focus on the […]
The End: This Blogged Book Manuscript is Finished…or Not
This actually brings us to the end of this blogged book. Amazingly, I began blogging in February and I have completed the whole book before the end of June—just five months later. I do have some additional material I plan to add to the physical printed book, but I do not intend to ever place […]
Create Related Information Products for Multiple Streams of Income
When you finish blogging your book, consider writing short posts to promote new information products you create related to your book. Information products, such as special reports, videos, recordings (mp3s, CDs or DVDs), e-books, workbooks, teleseminars, webinars, home study courses, or on-line courses can provide great income sources. Your book shouldn’t be your only source […]
Market Your Blogged Book to an Agent or Publisher
Okay, so you’re a traditional publishing holdout, and this blogged book exercise managed to get you to write your whole manuscript but didn’t get you discovered. Now it’s time to get that proposal written and approach an agent or a small to mid-sized publisher. In this case, you must do two things: write a […]
Turning Your Blogged Book Into an E-Book
If you don’t want to go to much expense, you can simply convert your blogged book to an e-book yourself and sell it from your blog site or from a website. This doesn’t make it available on e-readers. It does, however, create an information product from which you can earn money. Creating this type of […]
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