Here’s another blog-to-book success story–one I really love! Blogger Jill Smokler, known as Scary Mommy (the name of her blog), has landed a book deal from Simon & Schuster. They will release her first book, Confessions of a Scary Mommy, next Mother’s Day. By simply blogging about her feelings about motherhood and her experiences as […]
How to Revise Your Blogged Book Manuscript (Like I Did!)
Just over a week ago, I turned in my revised blogged book manuscript to my editor at Writer’s Digest Books. If you recall, I landed a book deal for this blogged book, How to Blog a Book. I promised to discuss how to revise your blogged book manuscript. Now that I’ve finished doing so, I […]
Propel Your Blogged Book With More Content
One of the thing writers do really well is produce content–especially bloggers, who produce content all the time. That’s a great thing in today’s online market, because the best way to promote blogged books comes down to producing great content and lots of it–and placing it on the Internet. By strategically using content in cyberspace, […]
How to Tie General Blog Posts to Your Blogged Book
I often get asked a question about how to tie blog posts in general into a blogged book you might be writing. Whether you are writing a blogged book, a printed book or an e-book, your blog provides a great way to generate interest in that book. Each post offers one more opportunity to drive […]
How to Blog a Book Gets Disovered and Lands a Book Deal!
As you may know, the whole idea behind this blog revolves around creating a strong and unique blogged book idea with a large or niche market, writing great and consistent posts, and promoting your blog well so you either: get discovered while blogging your book, build enough platform to become attractive to an agent, an […]
Using Video to Drive Traffic to Your Blogged Book
An increasingly popular way to drive traffic to blogs these days involves video. YouTube has become a huge source of information and entertainment. You may find that by posting videos to YouTube you can drive enormous amounts of traffic to your blogged book. Most computers, especially laptops, have video capability, and flip cameras are pretty […]
3 Tips for Writing Your Blogged Book Posts
Even though you are writing a book as you blog–and hopefully creating a manuscript in Word or some other word processing software at the same time–there are some things to keep in mind as you compose your posts. A blogged book has slightly different requirements than a printed book because it is published in small […]
Use Your Expertise to Blog a Short Book
In my last post I told you how I created a short book out of 10 blog posts and published it…FAST! I promised I’d give you some tips on how to get going on a similar project of your own. Here’s how you start: What do you know? Are you an expert on getting your […]
Blog a Short Book…and Publish It…Fast!
Yesterday I sent off a short book to the printer created out of just 10 blog posts. Yes, just 10–and now it is a 78 page 4″ x 6″ book. Previously, I published it as an ebook. I’ll have it in my hands in just 10 days. Does that inspire you to blog a book? […]
The Heat is On! Write a Book Fast!
It’s summer, and that means just one thing… (No, its not time for a vacation.) It’s time to use the next few weeks or months to get busy and start and finish a writing project—fast—before things gear up again in the fall. Here’s how… Those of you in the Northern California area can register for […]
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