(Note: A post was added after part 1 of “How to Begin Blogging Your Book.” That’s what happens when you blog a book in real time. Sometimes you realize you’ve written something in the wrong order.”) Lest you wonder why I’m focusing so much on your blogged book’s subject, theme, etc., let me explain. Part […]
How to Begin Blogging Your Book: Figure Out What Resources You Need (part 3)
I mentioned in my last post that you don’t need to be the expert on your subject per se to blog a book. By blogging about a subject and offering great information, you become the expert. I’m a trained magazine journalist, and when I was in journalism school I was taught that a good journalist […]
How to Begin Blogging Your Book: Hone Your Subject (part 2)
(Note: Since I’m blogging this book in real time, I want to note that I added this in between what was part 1 an part 2 of “How to Begin Blogging Your Book” after writing part 2.) While you might think you know what you’re blogging about, it’s always good to hone your subject. Plus, […]
How to Begin Blogging Your Book: Choose a Topic (part 1)
Now that you’ve decided to blog a book, you’ve got some decisions to make. First, you must choose a topic. While this step seems pretty obvious, there’s more to it than meets the eye. You can choose just any old topic and start writing. Or you can choose a topic that will attract readers. Of […]
Why Blog a Book? To Show What You’ve Got…But Not All You’ve Got (Part 10)
A lot of people ask me whether they should include everything in their blogged book. They are afraid to “give it all away.” In fact, no need exists to include all your content if you don’t want to do so. Actually, agents and acquisitions editors like it if you hold back a bit of content […]
Why Blog a Book? You and Your Blog Might Get Discovered! (Part 9)
If you think only one or two bloggers’ blogs or blogged books have been found, think again. The numbers are increasing every day. Ever since roughly 2005, publishers have been scanning the Internet to find new writers with great ideas that can be turned into books. Some of those writers actually are bloggers. Some […]
Why Blog a Book? To Make Sure You Complete Your Manuscript (Part 8)
Many writers start book projects and don’t finish them. This becomes increasingly true for nonfiction writers who want to become traditionally published. Unlike fiction writers who must submit a completed novel along with a brief proposal to an agent or acquisition editor, nonfiction writers must submit only about 25 pages of competed manuscript as part […]
How to Blog a Book Teleseminar Begins Tomorrow
We pause now for a brief commercial announcement: The following teleseminar offered by Nina Amir and CopyWright Communications begins tomorrow at 2 p.m. PST and runs for one hour on six weeks consecutive Tuesdays. How to Blog a Book A Step-by-Step Teleseminar about Writing and Publishing Manuscripts on the Internet One Post at a Time […]
Why Blog a Book? To Get Feedback on Your Writing (Part 7)
The fact that readers have the ability to comment on your book offers you, the blogger, one of the greatest reasons to blog a book. Many writers join critique groups so they can have other writers read or listen to them read their work and offer feedback. However, when you, the blogger, receive comments from […]
Why Blog a Book? For the Daily Writing Commitment (Part 6)
Writers write. That’s what we’re told. However, many times, writers don’t write. If you blog a book, you must write regularly. Hopefully, the blog becomes a form of daily writing practice and commitment. Once you begin blogging, to gain readers you most post regularly. The more often you post, the more quickly you’ll gain readers. […]