Do you rent or own? That’s a simple question to answer if you are discussing real estate. However, you may not know the answer when it comes to publishing or marketing your blogged work online. But here’s the answer: It remains essential for bloggers to blog on owned property and choose rented property carefully for […]
How Excuses Block Your Ability to Blog Successfully
Let’s be honest, shall we? The reasons why you claim you can’t blog consistently or blog, write, or publish a book are excuses. Plain and simple. And everything you desire—like being a successful writer, blogger, journalist, or author—could be yours if you take responsibility for and commit to self-mastery. No…I didn’t say commit to writing, skill, […]
Use Identity To Achieve Your New Year Blogging Goals
Good intentions aren’t enough to achieve your new year blogging goals. If they were, more bloggers, writers, and people would make good on their intentions. Instead, only about eight percent of those who set goals in December achieve them. The reason for this is simple: On January 1, they possessed the same identity they had […]
Don’t Let Circumstances Get In the Way of Blogging
How often have you said, “I can’t write a blog post today because…” Fill in the blank with any reason you prefer, like “I don’t have enough time,” “I need to work and earn money,” “I am over-committed,” “I have to do X, Y, or Z,” “My___ (mother, father, kids, partner, boss, or friend) won’t […]
Get Powerful Blogging Results by Not Giving Yourself Grace
I have a blogger friend who often says, “I’m giving myself grace.” Typically, this is when she finds herself in circumstances that provide a good reason—excuse—not to write a post, publish or promote a post, or take actions that will help her land a book deal. Each time she lets herself off the hook by […]
5 Ways to Increase Your Blogging Confidence
Lack of confidence may be one of the most prevalent reasons why writers and bloggers don’t publish their work. When you possess confidence, however, you are more likely to write and publish consistently. Today, Jennifer Brown Banks (@PENPROSPER1) provides tips on how to increase your blogging confidence so you possess a powerful tool to help […]
4 Reasons Tenacity Is #1 Quality Bloggers Need for Success
The fact that only two percent of all the people who say they want to write a book—81 percent of the U.S. population—become authors, provides a strong indication that it’s not easy to sit down and knock out a manuscript let alone publish a book. The fact that 65 percent of all bloggers haven’t published […]