Every blog needs to be directed at a specific audience. However, sometimes being more specific increases your ability to reach the best readers for your site. Today Beth Bauer (@JourneyofBethB) offers tips to help narrow your audience for greater blog success. In the beginning, when you first started your blog, you didn’t know what you […]
How to Conduct a Market Analysis for a Blog or Book
Every time I speak about the need for a business plan for a book or blog—or a blogged book—someone asks me the same question: How do you find the market for your book and analyze it? The short answer is: Google it. But there’s more to it than that. First, understand that you need to […]
4 Tips for Finding Viable Blogged-Book Subjects
You want to blog a book…fast. After all, it’s National Book Blogging Month (NaBoBloMo). But you are making slow progress because you can’t decide upon a book topic. Without a subject, you can’t write. NaBoBloMo only provides the impetus for you to do what you’ve meant to do for a long time. The challenge asks […]
Develop an Audience Strategy for Your Blog and Blogged Book
As you set out to blog your book, or even to create a blog to promote yourself as an author or to build a business around your book, answer one primary question: Why? If you want your book or your blog—or your business—to succeed, the answer to this question should have little to do with […]
How to Focus Your Blog or Blogged Book on a Topic
Many bloggers simply begin blogging about a topic that interests them. They also may just feel passionate about the subject they first choose to write about. That’s all well and good–if you are just blogging. If you want to blog a book or build a business around a blog or a book, you have to […]
How to Begin Blogging Your Book: Start with a Business Plan or Book Proposal (part 5)
Now that you have a pretty good sense about your book’s theme and what you want to write about, we are going to get serious. Really serious. Yesterday was just a taste of what’s to come… As I mentioned, everyone who wants to write a book—blogged or otherwise—needs to go through the proposal process. You […]
Are You Willing to Approach Your Blogged Book Like a Business Person?
If you want to blog a book, though, I suggest you approach this endeavor like any other book project. This means putting aside your writer’s hat and putting on your business person’s hat before you begin your book project. This allows you to look at the big picture of both your blog and your book, […]
Who can Blog? Who can Blog a Book?
Anyone can blog or become a blogger. No one and nothing stops you from opening a free (Yes, free.) account with a site like WordPress.com or Blogger.com a beginning to blog. For the purposes of this blogged book, here’s the more important question: Who can blog a book? Not just anyone. To blog a whole […]