If you want to create a bestseller, you have to do more than write a good book or a marketable book. You have to promote upon release—and before release. Of course, blogging a book helps promote while you write. But you must use strategies and tools that garner engagement and shares for your posts and […]
How to Market a Book to Millennials
When you market your book, you want to be sure to target those most likely to purchase it. If Millennials (also known as Generation Y) would find your book interesting, you must know where to find and how to get noticed by those born from the early 1980s to around 2000. Today Nick Rojas (@nickarojas), a […]
4 “Book Page” Essentials for Your Blog
Your blog provides an essential tool in your book-marketing toolbox. However, to use your blog to help promote your book, you need a “book page” on your website. Not only that, your book page needs some essential elements to help it effectively sell books. What’s a book page? It’s a page on your website or […]
5 Ways Fiverr Can Help Your Market Your Blogged Book
By Dina Eisenberg (@DinaEisenberg) You made the wise decision to blog your book. The next step is making your book and blog visible to your readers through marketing. But as a busy author you may not have the time (or interest) to devote to implementing the marketing plan you designed. That’s where Fiverr can be […]
How to Produce a Bestseller: Watch What Sells
This is the first post in a three-part series. You can find many blog posts and articles, as well as course, that teach you how to produce a bestseller. Many of them focus upon promotional tactics, like one-day marketing campaigns, joint ventures, free days, and pre-sales. However, you can produce books—blogged books or books you […]
How Authors Can Use Listmania to Promote Their Books
By Scott Lorenz (@aBookPublicist) Authors are always looking for low cost and easy ways to promote their books and I think you’ll appreciate this tip from Scott Lorenz. As a book publicist I am always on the lookout for effective inexpensive ways to reach book buyers. One way is to tap into the power of […]
The “Queen of Snark” on Booking Blogs and Promoting Books
I met Rachel Thompson not long after the release of her second book. She was teaching classes on how to go blog-to-book on Triberr.com. Since then, she’s written and published a third successful book. Although she hasn’t blogged a book, she knows how to book a blog and how to successfully self-publish a book. As […]
5 Tools to Help You Manage Your Social Media Marketing Time
An enormous part of making your blogged-book or blogging efforts successful revolves around tying your posts, as well as your blog, into your social media networks. As with any book, you have to market it. Blogging a book gets you involved in one of the most important and effective marketing activities: blogging. But blogging works […]
Every Virtual Book Tour Needs a Purpose
Most authors plan virtual book tours because they have a book release approaching. Typically, they want to drive up book sales on the day their books hit Amazon. However, trying to produce a bestseller on one day or for one hour is not the only reason to go on a virtual book tour. Neither is […]
How to Organize Your Virtual Book Tour
A virtual book tour provides you with a way to “travel” around the country or the world from the comfort of your home office. However, like any ‘round-the-world trip, which includes a variety of stops with many logistics, you must develop some way to manage all the details once your are one the move. Otherwise, […]