Let’s be honest, shall we? The reasons why you claim you can’t blog consistently or blog, write, or publish a book are excuses. Plain and simple. And everything you desire—like being a successful writer, blogger, journalist, or author—could be yours if you take responsibility for and commit to self-mastery. No…I didn’t say commit to writing, skill, […]
Use Identity To Achieve Your New Year Blogging Goals
Good intentions aren’t enough to achieve your new year blogging goals. If they were, more bloggers, writers, and people would make good on their intentions. Instead, only about eight percent of those who set goals in December achieve them. The reason for this is simple: On January 1, they possessed the same identity they had […]
4 Mindset Hacks that Consistently Help Bloggers Meet Deadlines
Deadlines can help or hinder your blogging, but your mindset makes the difference. In fact, a supportive attitude will help you meet your goal of publishing posts on a schedule every time and become a more effective blogger in the process. As a Certified High Performance Coach, I talk about mindset often. I’ve written several […]
There’s More to Blogging than Blogging
There’s more to blogging than blogging. Everything in your life affects your ability to write and, therefore, blog. Your personal life, professional life, hobbies, emotional state, physical state, ability to focus, habits, mindsets, the conditions in which you live… All of this—and more—makes a huge difference on whether or not you sit down and produce […]
6 Lessons to Help Bloggers Overcome Their “Perfection Obsession”
Your quest for perfection slows down your blogging progress. Blogging requires frequent and consistent action. If you obsess over making each post perfect before you hit “publish,” your published posts will be few and far between. The same goes for anything you choose to write, such as essays, articles, or books. Today, veteran freelance writer […]
How to Stop Struggling to Become a Consistent Blogger
Are you a consistent blogger, or do you struggle to publish posts to your blog consistently? Most people fall into the latter category. It doesn’t seem to matter if you plan to post once per week or several times per week. Sticking to the schedule feels hard. After all, you have other commitments as well. […]
Build a Business Around Your Blogged Book
All my posts during April, National Book Blogging Month (NaBoBloMO), have helped you blog a book fast—in just 30 days. Blogging a short book fast provides you with something you may not have had before if you take the manuscript you created with your blog posts and actually get it edited and then publish it […]