You may have noticed that I often feature guest bloggers on my blogs. Not only does doing so help me manage the workload (I have four sites!), but it allows me to provide you…my reader…with a different viewpoint and with information or expertise I might not possess. So, how do you attract quality guest bloggers […]
What is High Performance and Why Do Bloggers Need It?
When you hear the term “high performance,” do you think it applies only to machines, like cars? In fact, high performance applies to people like you—bloggers and writers—as well. The most successful people in any industry are high performers. Bloggers, also, need to become a high-performers to succeed. You may not have been born a […]
6 Lessons to Help Bloggers Overcome Their “Perfection Obsession”
Your quest for perfection slows down your blogging progress. Blogging requires frequent and consistent action. If you obsess over making each post perfect before you hit “publish,” your published posts will be few and far between. The same goes for anything you choose to write, such as essays, articles, or books. Today, veteran freelance writer […]
How to Stop Struggling to Become a Consistent Blogger
Are you a consistent blogger, or do you struggle to publish posts to your blog consistently? Most people fall into the latter category. It doesn’t seem to matter if you plan to post once per week or several times per week. Sticking to the schedule feels hard. After all, you have other commitments as well. […]
Tien Chiu on Mastering the Craft of Blogging a Book
Tien Chiu started blogging her book Master Your Craft: Strategies for Designing, Making, and Selling Artisan Work in 2012. I remember distinctly the day I met her. She had just started blogging her book, and she had come to a California Writers’ Club meeting to hear me speak on the topic of how to blog […]
6 Tips to Help Writers Cultivate Voice
Do you feel you have a distinct voice as a blogger and writer? If not, you need to develop one…fast! Without a distinct voice, your message disappears among the millions of other voices trying to be heard in the blogosphere. And you want your voice to be heard…and recognized…easily and quickly. Like a vocal coach, […]
Why You MUST Publish Posts Often and Consistently
For your blog to succeed—to gain traction on the Internet or in search engines and to gather a loyal following of readers, you must publish posts often and consistently. Don’t blog if you want an easy or fast way to make money, gain expert status, or land a book deal. Blogging takes patience and hard […]
4 Reasons Tenacity Is #1 Quality Bloggers Need for Success
The fact that only two percent of all the people who say they want to write a book—81 percent of the U.S. population—become authors, provides a strong indication that it’s not easy to sit down and knock out a manuscript let alone publish a book. The fact that 65 percent of all bloggers haven’t published […]
Expert Tips for Blogging Success
Have you ever wondered how successful bloggers become successful? Of course, you’ve heard about all the search engine optimization techniques as well as the fluke viral posts. But there must be more to creating a blog that has a sustained yet ever-growing and more-engaged readerships, right? I asked six bloggers to reveal the one or […]
How to Create Your Best Blogging Year
Whether you’ve been blogging for a while, began this year or are setting up your blog for a New Year launch, I know what you want. You want to create the best blogging year possible. You want to attract lots of visitors, gain tons of subscribers and even make some money on your services and […]